OBC Fishing Competition RULES
Take photos of fish you might want to enter and upload when you are finished. Multiple entries will be removed and only first entry will be counted.
Checklist before heading out from OBC:
• Phone or digital camera is fully charged
• Official Measure on board
• Have recorded competition code. Available from 05:00am on competition day.
• Your competition code printed on catch card (must be placed with fish on top left hand of measure in photograph).
• Competition registration form completed and returned to [email protected]
• Each angler is registered on the OBC fishing comp site https://obc.fishingcomp.co.nz/ Check you can log-in before leaving land the morning of the Fishing Competition.
Please read the rules carefully and if there’s anything that needs clarification, please email/call us prior (Peri [email protected]/ 021984962). Any matters not specifically covered by these rules will be at the sole discretion of the Tournament Administrator.
This is a measure tournament and fish will not be weighed. Measurement allows you, the anglers, to make an informed choice on what fish you reasonably need to keep for food and release the rest. Best practice for release is to wet your hands before carefully placing the fish on the measure for photographing. Then place it back in the net to release or use wet hands. Don’t use a towel or rag as it will remove the protective slime, making the fish susceptible to infection, and do not place your fingers in its gills as it will cause serious damage.
Your entry and registration for the tournament means you accept the tournament rules outlined in this document and agree to abide by all Tournament Administrator decisions. The Tournament Administrator reserves the right to amend the rules, should they deem it to be necessary and in the interests of the tournament and at their sole discretion.
Competitors participate in the tournament at their own risk. OBC does not accept any liability whatsoever for material damage or personal injury sustained in conjunction with, prior to, during, or after the tournament. Leaving port and participating is at the sole discretion of the skipper and crew at all times.
• Family Fishing Comp – OBC member + friends/family, including children from 4yrs+
Online Registration
All rules and/or clarifications as well as additional instructions in this document are deemed to be known and accepted by all participants whether present or not. This includes detailed instructions on the measuring system, taking a digital photograph of your catch and uploading your entries.
Please register as follows:
a) Return the completed relevant comp team registration form to [email protected]. Please check all details are entered correctly, your email address is needed to be able to upload your catch on the comp page. We may need to call you, so please leave your contact number for the day.
b) Anglers without email addresses can be added on to your account, under the tab ‘My Account’, then ‘My Crew’
c) You can get your login details, to be able to upload your catch prior to the event. Each angler will need to log in: https://obc.fishingcomp.co.nz/

Fishing Rules
The eligible species are … (MPI minimum sizes and bag limits apply.)
• Family Fishing Comp Adults (15yrs+) – Snapper 30cm, Kingfish 75cm, Kahawai
• Family Fishing Comp Children (4-14yrs) – Snapper 30cm, Kahawai, Other Species (as specified on the ‘enter catch’ web page)
Only one fish per species per registered angler can be entered on any day of the tournament. We suggest you take photos of all your fish during the day, then strategically submit fish (from all participants) when you’ve finished fishing.
Fishing Boundary and Times
The Family Fishing Competition is a ‘one base’ competition. You must launch from the OBC only! Fishing hours are between 5am and 3:30pm (measure close-off). Your boat bag MUST be collected on fishing competition morning from 5am only! This includes your special competition sticker for online length entries. You cannot collect your boat bag once you return from fishing. Sorry, no exceptions!
Fishing methods
All eligible fish must be caught on a rod and reel or a handline with no more than three hooks attached. Fish cannot be caught in a net, longline or speared.
Proof of catch
All photos will be required to have a tournament competition card with correct code placed on the fish on the official measure so the photo clearly shows the fish on the measure and complies with the requirements outlined under “Measuring your catch”. We are here to help upload your photos and if necessary can assist with photographing and uploading your catch, please see us at the Measure Station.
Only official tournament measures may be used to measure fish.
All entries will be required to be uploaded by 1530hrs. Please see us before these times if you require assistance.
Tournament Admin
Tournament times are:
Saturday 9th March 0500hrs – 1530hrs
or (rain date)
Sunday 10th March 0500hrs – 1530hrs
For the FFC2024 tournament, all fish caught will be judged on length ONLY. Please ensure you have your catches uploaded to the online tournament leader board by close-off times at stated above. Uploads or catch cards handed in after this time will not be accepted unless the Tournament Administrator agrees there are extenuating circumstances.
Catches can be loaded on behalf of another angler, under the Skippers registration, HOWEVER please note those catches will not also be eligible for any of the Export NZ Fishing Competition prizes run in conjunction with FFC2024.
If any assistance is required, please call Coastguard Radio first on channel 64 (Waitemata Harbour/Inner Hauraki Gulf), 60 (Outer Hauraki Gulf), 62 (Waiheke). If the radio isn’t working then dial *500 by mobile.
For safety reasons it is the responsibility of all skippers to ensure that their vessels have operational VHF radios.
In the event of bad weather the Tournament Administrator reserves the right to make one or more of the following decisions:
- postpone the start on any day
- cancel fishing on any day
- restrict the fishing area on any day
Confirmation will be on the OBC website and social media. If in doubt call 021 984 962.
The Tournament Administrator’s decision shall be final and binding.
Measuring your catch
A clear photograph of the fish, correctly placed on the measure, is critical for your entry. It is your responsibility to ensure you provide an image that we can use to validate your entry.
Place your fish on the official measure as shown below and take one or more digital photographs that clearly shows the whole fish, placed side-on, on the measure with either the upper or lower jaw touching the edge of the L-shaped plastic end of the measure.

Ensure the V of the tail is clearly visible and as close to the midline of the measure as possible. Take the photo from above the fish looking down on it rather than from the front or side.
1. Make sure the photo is of sufficient quality and suitable to enable the species and length to be verified. It is your responsibility to ensure you provide an image that we can clearly use to validate your entry.
2. The photo submitted must be in landscape format.
3. Take several photos just in case. Shadows can cause problems if the fish is placed on part sun/part shadow.
4. The tip of either the upper or lower jaw must touch the edge of the L-shaped plastic end of the measure. It is permissible to place a hand or have someone hold the fish on the measure or use damp cloth on the fish to settle it while a photo is taken, provided this does not obscure the fish significantly or prevent the Tournament HQ Admin team from being able to validate your catch.
5. The V of the tail should be as close to the midline of the measure as possible.
6. The measure must be placed on a flat surface.
7. The jaw of the fish must not be distorted in an attempt to exaggerate the length.
8. Fish must be measured fresh and must not be significantly cut in a manner that alters the length. We strongly recommend you DO NOT gut or gill your catch before taking the photo.
Please note that your fish may not be eligible for entry if the above conditions are not met, however the Tournament Administrator totally reserves the right to accept an entry on the basis that an appropriate reduction in length is made for any non-compliance and/or the Tournament Administrator reserves the right to disqualify any catch at their sole and absolute discretion.
How is the length determined?
For species with a V tail, the innermost point of the V must touch or exceed the line on the measure to qualify for that 0.5cm increment. For example if your fish is just over 40.0cm but does not reach the 40.5cm mark then the length recorded will be 40.0cm.
Loading a catch - https://obc.fishingcomp.co.nz/

•Log in with your email and password either using the side bar or on the home page.
• Click on Enter Catch from main menu.
• Fill in all the fields. You can load one or more images for each catch but be aware that when using mobile devices, the more data you’re uploading the longer it will take. Image loading time is directly proportional to the signal strength/image size and may take some time to load if the connection is weak or the image size is large. The leaderboard does not update in real time, so do not enter the same catch multiple times!

Any problems, see us at the measure station (by the Club house) – as long as you have the photographs of the catch we can help.